Mother: Martha Maneles

Age: 48 years old

Kids: Yahaira (10), and the Twin Sisters (Kayla, Jackeline) 6 years old

About the Family: Martha is a widow who supports her family by cooking corn on a cob and selling it in the streets. She is barely making enough money to sustain the house. Her 3 kids are regular students in the Classes, have been very helpful to Lindsay and are always willing to learn and help others when they are having a hard time understanding.

Martha couldn’t afford to send her kids to school this year, and was praying to God that He could somehow make it possible for them to attend school. While she waited for that to happen, she was excited to send her kids to the Learning Classes. God answered her prayer through Alive2Love and now her kids received the support necessary to attend school. When we were distributing the materials to the kids, she was constantly thanking us and praising God for this amazing blessing.

Her kids now are attending the public school closest to the Bordo with the materials necessary to pass the grades with excellence!

Sponsored By: New Life Church, Warsaw, Poland

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